Risen Church exists for the purpose of pointing people to Jesus.
We will go tell people about Jesus in the community, at work, and in the neighborhood. We will love all people.
Sunday School 10:00 AM
Worship Service 11:00 AM
Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study 7:00 PM
Three Pillars
Evangelism Showing people their need for Christ
Discipleship Maturing Christians in their faith
Fellowship Bringing people together
Our Core Values
We value truth, so the world can know that life is objective.
We value answers, so people can have their questions satisfied.
We value worship, so people can elevate God.
We value love, so everyone can see Christ in us.
We value authenticity, so people are not led astray.
We value growth, so people can mature in Christ.
We value integrity, so we can serve God and man at the same time.
Our Vision
Go and Tell: We are not a “come and see” church; we are a “go and tell” church. We will go tell people about Jesus in the community, at work, and in the neighborhood.
Discipleship: Discipleship is at the core of what we do. We want to make disciples who can make disciples; we train up trainers. Each person is a follower of Christ who is looking for more followers to train.
Answers to Questions: Every Christian needs to be able to give a reason for the hope they have in Christ. We have the answers in Jesus, but we need to be able to answer the specific questions of people. If we don’t know the answer, we go get the answer.
Every Member a Minister: Everyone has a gift from the Holy Spirit so they need to use their gift to minister to others.
Contemporary Worship: We will have primarily contemporary Christian music. Five times the Psalms say, “Sing a new song unto the Lord” (emphasis added).
Home Away from Home: We will be a home away from home for the military. If they cannot be accepted by us—followers of Jesus—then where can they find acceptance? We are a family.
Healthy Marriages: Healthy marriages make healthy homes. Healthy homes make healthy families. Healthy families make healthy communities. We will do all we can to strengthen marriages.